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Welcome to ONLINE Lash Competition, judged by well known International Lash Masters and Judges.



  • Classic 1:1

  • Volume 2D

  • Volume 3/4D

  • Volume 5/6D

  • Lash Lift

  • Lash art-Sign of Zodiac


  • Colour blend

  • Strip art

  • Classic

  • 3/4D Volume


  • 3D Volume

  • 6D Volume

  • 9D Volume

  • Lash sponge decoration

  • Colour play

There are 4 sub-categories for online competition 

 1. Junior-Up to one year of experience

 2. Master -1 to 3 years of experience

 3.Profesional-More than 3 years of experience or TRAINERS (even if trainer have less than 3 years experience)

 4. Expert- Competition  winers (1,2 or 3rd place) in a live or online competition.


1. Up to one year of experience.

2. 1 year and more.

Online registration is open NOW.

Online Registration and Payment Closing Date: 1st of May 2020 @11:59pm UK time.

Entries after deadline won't be accepted .
Winner Announcement: 10 th of May 2020 on social media,FB group

Certificates  will be awarded for TOP 3 winners in each category.
The prizes will be shipped from United Kingdom and  provided with Tracking number.

You may enter as many as you want categories.Fees as fallows:

👉🏼Entry fees for 1 Category is £80,- Please check discount!
👉🏼Entry fees for 2 Categories is £140,- Please check discount!
👉🏼Entry fees for 3 Categories is £180,- Please check discount!
👉🏼Entry fees for 4 Categories is £200,- Please check discount!

👉🏼Entry fees for 5 Categories is £220,-Please check discount!

👉🏼If you enter all 6 categories , the fee for all  entries ONLY £250,- Please check discount!

👉🏼Entry fee for STRIP CATEGORY is £20,-

👉🏼Entry fee for SPONGE CATEGORY is £20,-


👉🏼Entry fees are non-refundable.
👉🏼We reserve the right to disqualify competitors that fail to comply with the rules. 
👉🏼We reserve the right to and change the name of the winners if it comes to light that a competitor competed in a lower category than her experience/status dictates. 
👉🏼All pictures entered into the competition may be used and published by the organiser/s in any media format with credit to the artist.
👉🏼The judges decision is final and no correspondance will be entered into.
👉🏼On registering for the competition, the competitor accepts the terms and conditions.

👉🏼Each photo file size to be a minimum 5mb as a JPG and in HIGH Resolution so that the judges may zoom-in to see your work.
👉🏼Models can't have permanent eyeliners.

👉🏼No collages, single photos only.
👉🏼No retouching of lashes (Retouching, blurring and darkening the lashes will lead to immediate disqualification)
👉🏼No watermarks, company logo, filtering or similar altering.
👉🏼No editing, must be raw images. Entries that have been edited will be disqualified. 
👉🏼Please send as many pictures as are required by the category rules, no more, no less.
👉🏼If pictures are blurry it is not possible to judge the image and no score will be attributed to that picture.
👉🏼Please do not share your work on social media before entries have been judged. 
👉🏼Any work that has previously been published in any media is also excluded. 
👉🏼All judging is done without disclosing the name of the Lash Artist.


👉🏼1 X Before picture Both eyes CLOSED
    Eyes closed from behind of the model head and eye patches applied to see the condition of natural lashes.

👉🏼1 x Before picture (Whole Face) Both eyes
    Eyes open from the front while model is seated to see the shape and the whole face.

👉🏼1 X After picture Both eyes CLOSED
    Eyes closed from behind of the model head without eye patches.

👉🏼1 X After picture (Whole Face) Both eyes
    Eyes open looking straight photo of the whole face to see the symmetry of eyelashes and shape chosen for the model face.

👉🏼1 X After picture (Single Right Eye)
    Each eye with model looking up.

👉🏼1 X After picture (Single Left Eye)
    Each eye with model looking up.

👉🏼1 X One additional photo to show your work at it’s best, the picture you would use to promote your self ( no logo or name)


👉🏼1 X Before picture Both eyes CLOSED
   Eyes closed from behind of the model head and eye patches applied to see the condition of natural lashes.

👉🏼1 x Before picture (Whole Face) Both eyes
   Eyes open from the front while model is seated to see the shape and the whole face.

👉🏼1 X After picture Both eyes CLOSED
   Eyes closed from behind of the model head without eye patches.

👉🏼1 X After picture (Whole Face) Both eyes
    Eyes open looking straight photo of the whole face to see the symmetry of eyelashes and shape chosen for the model face.

👉🏼1 X After picture (Single Right Eye)
    Each eye with model looking up.

👉🏼1 X After picture (Single Left Eye)
   Each eye with model looking up.

👉🏼1 X After picture separating lashes showing your applied fans

👉🏼1 X One additional photo to show your work at it’s best, the picture you would use to promote your self ( no logo or name)



👉🏼1 X Before picture Both eyes CLOSED
Eyes closed from behind of the model head and eye patches applied to see the condition of natural lashes.

👉🏼1 x Before picture (Whole Face) Both eyes
Eyes open from the front while model is seated to see the whole face.

👉🏼1 X After picture (Whole Face) Both eyes
Eyes open looking straight photo of the whole face to see the symmetry of eyelashes.

👉🏼1 X After picture (Single Right Eye)
Each eye with model straight forward

👉🏼1 X After picture (Single Left Eye)
Each eye with model straight forward.

👉🏼1 X After picture (Side) One eye
From the side to see the curl of the eyelashes.

👉🏼1 X One additional photo to show your work at it’s best.( no logo or name)


👉🏼The theme is Sign Zodiac.
👉🏼Pictures are of head and down to waist, no full dress costume required. 

👉🏼Lashes must be done by person who is entering competition, make-up, hair and costume can be done by different artists.If you will do everything your self you will get additional 5POINTS.
👉🏼No makeup should appear along the lash line when you show picture of your lash work (exemption for Lash Art after photos)
👉🏼Strip lash add ons are allowed for decoration purposes but not to be in replace of extensions. 

👉🏼1 X After picture (Whole Face) Both eyes
Eyes open looking straight photo of the whole face to see the symmetry of eyelashes and shape chosen for the model face.

👉🏼1 X After picture (Single Right Eye)
Each eye with model looking up and artwork and lashwork clearly visible

👉🏼1 X After picture (Single Left Eye)
Each eye with model looking up and artwork and lash work clearly visible

👉🏼4 x After picture with head and up to waist  to demonstrate the overall look.

Overall look (head, shoulders and hair and background if applicable)

Fan quality and application 
Lash Styling and Colour Choices (top and bottom lashes)
Lash Decoration (top and bottom lashes)
Hair & Accessories


For classic and 3/4D Volume you will need to do 2 strips- one with short size( maximum 8mm):
5mm-10 points
6mm-9 points
7mm-8 points
8mm-7 points
9mm and more 0 points
... and one with long sizes ( minimum size 13mm).
Judges will look at the:
👉🏼Fan bace ( for volume)
👉🏼Fan repetitive ( for volume)
👉🏼Amount-of glue
For strip decoration and Colour blend judges still look at the same criteria as above and will check your creativity, details used, colours , complexity and more. For colour blend- the amount of colours, complexity

For 3D/6D and 9D you will need to do 2 sponges- one with short size( maximum 8mm):
5mm-10 points
6mm-9 points
7mm-8 points
8mm-7 points
9mm and more 0 points
... and one with long sizes ( minimum size 13mm).
All fans for 3D must be applied with 1mm gap between each fan. And 2mm gaps for 6D and 9D.
Judges will look at the:
👉🏼Fan bace
👉🏼Fan repetitive
👉🏼Amount-of glue
For lash sponge decoration and Colour play judges still look at the same criteria as above and will check your creativity, details used, colours , complexity and more. For colour play- the amount of colours, complexity

👉🏼Clean Work
👉🏼100% of lashes should be covered (including inner and outer corners)
👉🏼Lashes should not be crooked, they should lean in the correct direction
👉🏼Chosen design is suitable for model’s eye shape, symmetry and face
👉🏼No two natural lashes or extensions should be stuck together

👉🏼Curl mixing should include in your sets
👉🏼There should smooth blending between length and curl changes 
👉🏼Distance from the eyelid skin should be the same for all extensions through the lash line. Recommended distance:
   Classic: 0.5mm-1mm
   Volume: 0.2mm to 0.5mm

👉🏼If extension touches the skin you will loose points
👉🏼Extensions length should be suitable for model’s natural lashes and not cause any drooping, twisting or be touching the eyebrows
👉🏼Lash extensions thickness/volume of lashes in a fan should be suitable for model’s natural lashes. Refer to the below criteria for each category:

👉🏼Is allowed to mix the thicknesses to best suit your models lashes.
👉🏼Flat. Elipse, Camelia, Clover,Easy Fan Lashes are not allowed, only traditional classic lashes.

For Classic:


For 2D Volume:

For 3/4D Volume:

For 5/6D Volume:


For Lash art anything allowed.

The thinner lashes used, the higher your scores.

The Judges will be looking at:

👉🏼A really visible difference between the before image and the after image. (Overall Look)


👉🏼Smoothness of the Curl

👉🏼Inner and outer corners

👉🏼Angle from the eyelid

👉🏼Proportion/percentage of lashes that are curled

👉🏼Fluffiness of the lashes (not clumped together) 

👉🏼Colour of the lashes and any stains on the skin

👉🏼Colour smoothness of the tint.

 👉🏼Crossed over lashes or lashes that are curling too far back


👉🏼A lash extension should be attached to the natural lash securely, without lifting at the base or splitting of fan bases

👉🏼Chosen design is suitable for model’s eye shape, brows and face, skin type
👉🏼Coloured lashes are allowed if you think they suits your model( all brown shades)

👉🏼Both eyes should look even in styling and fullness

👉🏼Style, length and curl should complement model’s face shape, overall quality of workmanship will also be judged.

If you still have questions please do not hesitate to contact us.


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